Users Guide

When users access The OptimalCloud they are presented with the Welcome Page.

Welcome page

The following choices are available:

Click on one of the above choices to proceed.


Clicking on the "I want to login" link will present the Login Page. Required fields have an "*" preceding them.

Login page

There are three options on the page if needed:

To Login:

Enter your Username - the email address that was specified during account registration.

In order to skip this step in the future, switch the Remember Me toggle to ON. The default setting is OFF.

Click the Next Button button to proceed. The Password entry field is presented.

Login page with password

Enter the password that was specified during account registration for this account.

Click the Login Button button to Login.

​ If the password is not correct, the following message will appear:

Invalid Credentials

​ If the password is correct, you will be presented with the Home/Portal Page:

Home Portal page

See the Home/Portal Page section for more information about the usage of this page.

Register for an Account

Clicking on the "I want to register" link will present the Account Registration Options page.

Account Registration page

The following choices for account registration are available:

Register with Local Account

Clicking on the Register with Local Account Button button will present the Account Registration Page.

The required fields have an "*" preceding them.

Local Account Registration page

To Register your account enter the following fields:

Attributes not unique msg

Password Requirements long

Click on the Register Account Button button to register the account.

Following successful account registration you will receive the message below and an email will be sent to the email address specified during account registration.

Account Registration Success msg

The email will contain the Complete Account Registration link.

Click on the Complete Account Registration link in the email to validate your email address and complete the account registration process. You will then be redirected to the Login Page.

Forgot Password

Clicking the "I forgot my password " link will present the Forgot Password Page.

Forgot Password page

To Reset your password:

Enter your Username - the email address specified during account registration for this account.

Click the Next Button button to proceed.

If you registered your account using Social Media, the following message will appear.

Forgot PWD Social Media

If your account is a Local account the following message is presented.

Forgot PWD Email msg

An email will be sent to the email address specified during account registration for this account. The email will contain the Reset Password link.

Please Note: The Reset Password link is only valid for one use and for the amount of time indicated in the email.

If the Reset Password link expires you will receive the following message.

Forgot PWD link expired

Click the Forgot Password Button button to return to the Forgot Password page to begin again.

If the Reset Password link has not expired, click the Reset Password link and the Set Password Page will be presented.

Set Password page

Your Username will be shown in the field that is gray.

Enter your new password in the New Password entry field following the Password Requirements as indicated in the Password Requirements box. The red "x"s will turn to green check marks when the password entered meets all of the Password Requirements.

Password Requirements short

Enter your new password again in the Confirm Password field to confirm it. The red "x" in the Password Requirements box for the "New passwords must be the same" requirement will turn to a green check when the text in the Confirm Password field matches the text in the New Password field.

Click the Set Password Button button to set your password.

The following message will appear upon successful completion.

Password Set Success msg

Click the Login Button button to proceed to the Login Page.

Site Banner

The Site Banner is presented at the top of each page.

Site Banner

The Site Banner provides the following functions:

Home icon Clicking on the Home icon will return you to the Home/Portal page.

Help icon Clicking on the Help icon will take you to the online documentation.

Notifications icon Clicking on the down arrow of the Notifications icon will show your current notifications. The number indicates how many notification you have.

Last Login icon Clicking on the down arrow for the Last Login icon will present a box containing the date, time and location of your last login. Clicking on the box will redirect you to the Login History Page.

User icon This section shows the name of the user that is logged in. Clicking on the down arrow presents the following choices:

Press CTRL and click on the links in blue above to go to the selected sections.

Invite Users

Clicking the Invite Users link from the down arrow next to the username on the Site Banner will present the Invite Users Page.

Invite Users page

Enter the email address of the person you would like to invite to join this site. Multiple email addresses may be entered by separating them with a comma ",".

Clicking the Invite Users Button button will send an email to the specified email addresses. The email contains an invitation from you to join the site and a Register Here link to allow them to register an account in the OptimalCloud. The following message will be presented upon successful completion.

Invitations Sent msg


Clicking the Support link from the down arrow next to the username on the Site Banner will present the Support page. This page allows you to submit an issue to your organization's Support.

Support page

Fill in the Issue Description field with a detailed description of the issue you want to submit.

Switch the Send My Information toggle to OFF if you do not want your information (IP address, location, and browser information) included with this support submission. The default is ON.

Clicking the Submit Issue Button button will send an email to your organization Support and the following message will be presented.

Support Email Sent msg

Home/Portal Page

Following a successful Login you will be presented with the Home/Portal Page.

Home Portal page

The following Tabs are available:

The applications shown above are samples. They do not represent the applications that your organization will have enabled.

Account Settings

Clicking on the Account Settings Tab will present the applications shown in the diagram below.

Account Settings Tab

The following applications are available:

Change Password

Clicking on the Change Password application will present the Change Password page.

The required fields are preceded by an "*".

Change Password page

Your username (email address) will already be filled in. Enter the following fields:

Click the Save changes button button to change your password.

If the New Password entered is the same as the Current Password, the following error message will be presented.

Password Not Same msg

If the Change Password Process is successful the success message shown below will be presented and an email will be sent to the email address for this account notifying the user that the password has been changed.

Password Change Success msg

My Profile

Clicking on the My Profile application will present the My Profile page. There are four Tabs on the My Profile Page:


The Profile Tab contains the personal information that was entered during account registration.

My Profile Tab

The following fields are available to be modified:

The fields that are preceded by an "*" cannot be left blank. The fields that are in gray cannot be modified.

The Save changes button button will turn blue and become active once a field has been modified.

Click the Save changes button button to save your changes.

If the save is successful the following message will be presented.

Update Profile Success msg


The Details Tab contains information about the last time your personal information or password was modified.

My Profile Details Tab

The following information is available:

These fields are display only.


The Address Tab allows you to view or enter your address. This information is optional.

My Profile Address Tab

The following optional fields are available to be entered:

The Save changes button button will turn dark blue and become active once a field has been modified.

Click the Save changes button button to save your changes.

Social Media

The Social Media tab shows the methods that the user has configured to login to their account.

The page below shows that this user is configured to use username and password credentials to login. The available Social Media methods have not been configured.

My Profile Social Media tab1

The user may configure a Social Media method by clicking on the Add Social Media button button next to the associated Social Media type. Facebook will be used for this example.

If the user is not currently logged in to Facebook, the user will be prompted for their Facebook username and password. Once the user has logged in to Facebook, the Social Media login will be configured.

If the user is currently logged in to Facebook the Social Media login will be configured.

The Social Media tab will then display the Facebook connection.

My Profile Social Media tab

Change Password

Clicking on the Change Password Button button will present the Change Password Page to allow the user to change their existing password. For further instructions please see the Change Password section above.

Remove my Profile

Removing your Profile information will remove your account in the OptimalCloud.

Clicking on the Remove My Profile button button at the bottom of the My Profile Page will present the remove profile message.

Remove My Profile msg

To remove your Profile you must type "YES" in the box and then click on the Remove Profile Yes Button button.

Remove My Profile Highlighted msg

When your Profile has been successfully removed, you will receive the following message.

Remove My Profile Success msg

Your Profile information (OptimalCloud account) has been removed.

My Consents

This application will be present if enabled by your organization.

Clicking on the My Consents application will present the My Application Consents page.

My Consents page

A Consent is the grant of a Permission. Some OpenID Connect (OIC) applications request Permissions (requests for user's information or to perform actions on behalf of the user). The user is required to grant consent for these Permissions. The grant is performed during the authentication process or can be configured to be automatic for each application. The consent is granted for a specified period of time. Once the period of time has expired the user will be prompted to grant consent for the Permissions again.

The My Application Consents table shows the Consents that you have granted. The table contains the following fields:

The consents in the table can be filtered by using the Filter field shown in the upper right part of the page.

The number of rows displayed in the table on the page can be modified by using the dropdown box shown in the lower left corner. If the number of rows of data is greater than the number of rows configured to be shown on the page, the additional rows can be viewed by using the page actions in the lower right corner of the page.

The following page actions are available:

My Tokens

This application will be present if enabled by your organization.

Clicking on the My Tokens Tab will present the My Application Tokens Page.

My Tokens page

The My Application Tokens table contains the OpenID Connect (OIC) Tokens that been issued to an application by the OptimalCloud during the authentication process. The Tokens are issued for varied lengths of time based on the requirements of the application.

There are three types of Tokens:

The table contains the following fields:

The Tokens in the table can be filtered by using the Filter field shown in the upper right part of the page.

The number of rows displayed in the table on the page can be modified by using the dropdown box shown in the lower left corner. If the number of rows of data is greater than the number of rows configured to be shown on the page, the additional rows can be viewed by using the page actions in the lower right corner of the page.

The following page actions are available:


Clicking on the View Action action will present the Token page.

The Token page provides further details about the selected Token.

The Token Page for an Access Token is shown below.

Access Token View

The details available are:

The Token Page for an ID Token is shown below.

ID Token View

The details available are:


Clicking on the Delete Action action for a Token in the Token table will present the Revoke Token message.

Revoke Token msg

To revoke the Token you must type "YES" and click on the Revoke Token Yes Button button.

Revoke Token highlighted msg

The Token will be revoked and no longer appear in the My Application Tokens Table.


Clicking on the Help/About Tab will present the applications shown in the diagram below.

Help About Tab

The following applications are available: