Social Media

This section provides instructions on using your Social Media accounts to perform the following tasks:

These instructions are only applicable if your organization has enabled the Social Media feature.

See the Social Media section of the My Company Account/Tenant documentation for instructions on how to enable these features.

Register an OptimalCloud account using your Social Media account.

When you access the OptimalCloud you will be presented with the Welcome page.

Welcome page

Clicking on the "I want to register" link will present the Account Registration Page.

Account Registration page

The Social Media options that your organization has enabled will be shown as buttons on this page.

The Social Media options shown in the above diagram are samples. For these instructions we will use Facebook.

Clicking on the Facebook button button will redirect you to Facebook.

If you are currently logged in to Facebook you will proceed directly to the Account Registration page. If you are not logged into Facebook, you will be prompted to login.

The OptimalCloud will use your Facebook account information to fill in some fields on the Account Registration page as shown below.

Social Media Register Account page

Fill in the remaining account information. The Email Address is a required field.

Click the Social Media Register Account button button and the following message will be presented.

Account Registration Successs msg

An email will be sent to the email address that was entered for this account.

Click on the Complete Account Registration link in the email to complete the Account Registration.

Login with your Social Media Account

If you have previously Registered your OptimalCloud account using your Social Media account, you will use your Social Media account to Login.

When you access the OptimalCloud you will be presented with the Welcome page.

Welcome page

Clicking on the I want to login link will present the Login page.

Social Media Login page

Enter your OptimalCloud Username (email address entered at Account Registration) and Click the Next Button button.

If you are not currently logged in to your Social Media account you will be prompted to Login via your Social Media account. You will be required to enter your Social Media account username and password.

If you are currently logged in to your Social Media account you will not be prompted to Login via your Social Media account.

If you have registered two Social Media Accounts in your OptimalCloud Account, once you enter your username you will be prompted to choose which Social Media Account you would like to use to login as shown below.

Login 2 Social Media Types

Select the Social Media Account you want to use to login and follow the steps mentioned above.

Upon successful Login you will be presented with the Home/Portal page.

Social Media Home Portal page